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Photoshop Work



IAM Windows 8

RBRTV Colour

I was inspired to do this by the Adobe software logos. They looked simple but yet very well known and recognized so i decided to do a thumbnail from them for our class room

I was inspired to do this thumbnail from the MTV logo. I decided to remake it using our classroom logo and overall this had to be one of my favorites.

This thumbnail was created using the Windows 8 outline and it definitely took the longest but overall it came out great!

Althought this design is very simple,  I thought it was very colourful and more original since I wasn't inspired to do it by another peice of work.

This is a very simple aging project that didnt take that long to complete but overall i'm satisfied with the outcome.

This was by far by favorite project to work on. It was a black and white colourization and it took some time but the outcome was great and i am more than satisfied with it.

Although this is a very simple desgin, i personally enjoy the outcome and it is a very clean and smooth design.

This is a very simple GIF but it was one of the first that i have made in the class so i decided to showcase.

This project was one of my favorites due to how entertaining the outcome was of the two. It is very enjoyable to watch and was definitely one of my favorite projects to do.

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